Less than 48 hours…

This is what an American President (Truman) said when he got the news that the mission to drop the first atom bomb had been accomplished: ‘This is the greatest thing in history.’

The greatest catastrophe, I’d say – and I will do whatever I can, however small my ‘drop in the ocean’ may be, to ensure it doesn’t happen again. There are now less than 48 hours to go till our crowdfunding appeal closes…so if you know of anyone who is planning on chipping in, please give them a nudge (before Thursday March 5th 2pm) thank you!

Leo and Albert

So it’s March 2nd…and with just 3 days to go for our crowdfunding appeal, for my new play about Hiroshima, called THE MISTAKE, if you can think of anyone who might like to chip in, then do please give them a nudge…thank you!!

Here is a photo of Leo Szilard, brilliant Hungarian scientist, who features in the play, sitting with his mentor and lifelong friend, Albert Einstein – who makes a cameo appearance in the play… (photo courtesy of Critical Past)Leo Szilard and Albert Einstein